How we can help you

A week is a long time in the markets. And getting a true picture of what's going on is something of an art. You need to look a long way back and close up too. Then you must integrate these into a coherent narrative. That means looking at charts in the minutest detail but never losing sight of the big picture. It also means understanding the forces at work inside the mass of economic statistics released each week.

That's why we've created Seven Days Ahead.

It's a subscription service that gives you real insight for the days and weeks ahead. Not by overloading you, but by giving you the clearest threat of understanding there is. You could be a professional with a position risk of millions or trading online at home. Whichever, we believe only dealing-room quality information of trenchant clarity can help you. For your understanding, your decision-making and most importantly, your profits.

We believe in the power of Technical Analysis to transform your trading and investment performance.

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